FourthWall - Reveal™ infrastructure Maintenance – Detalles del mantenimiento

Sistemas funcionando con normalidad

Reveal™ infrastructure Maintenance

Programado para el octubre 22, 2021 a 19:00 – 19:00


Customer Systems

Mantenimiento de 7:00 PM a 7:00 PM


Mantenimiento de 7:00 PM a 7:00 PM

Interfaz de usuario de análisis de Reveal™

Mantenimiento de 7:00 PM a 7:00 PM

  • Completado
    octubre 22, 2021 a 19:00
    octubre 22, 2021 a 19:00

    Maintenance has completed successfully.

  • En progreso
    octubre 22, 2021 a 19:00
    En progreso
    octubre 22, 2021 a 19:00

    Maintenance is now in progress.

  • Programado
    octubre 22, 2021 a 19:00
    octubre 22, 2021 a 19:00

    We are making improvements in the Reveal™ infrastructure that may impact you between 3:00 PM ET Friday afternoon, October 22, until 6:00 AM Monday, October 25th. During that time, Reveal will be offline.

    All audiences, analysis, or plans that you have created will remain intact, unchanged, and available to you when Reveal is available bright and early Monday morning, and there will be no changes to features or user experience.

    As always, we're here to answer any questions and support you 24/7. If you have any questions, reach out to your FourthWall contact, or the Reveal Team at, and we'll take care of you.

    The Reveal™ Team at FourthWall Media.